Kverneland 85156 C
Høj kapacitet, fremragende jordfølgning
Bugseret vendere med transportchassis
TerraFlow ground following system provides a highly adaptive frame connection and adaptation to ground contours Very easy operation - only one single and double acting outlet needed 14 small diameter rotors for excellent crop turning in all conditions Compact, easy transport due to trailed concept High clearance in headland positionBeskrivelse
Kverneland 85156 C, med en arbejdsbredde på 15,6 m, er en vugge med bæreramme, der er specialbygget til tung brug. Den brede sporvidde sikrer stabile køreegenskaber under vejtransport. Valgfrie 500 mm brede hjul understøtter jordbeskyttelsen. Det nye, innovative TerraFlow jordfølgningssystem giver en meget adaptiv rammeforbindelse, så venderen kan bevæge sig uafhængigt af bæreren for perfekt konturfølgning. Den høje, fleksible ramme gør det muligt for de 14 rotorer at følge jordens konturer præcist. Med 14 rotorer med lille diameter er denne vender designet til fremragende vending af afgrøder under næsten alle forhold. På grund af bærerammekonceptet er traktorens løftekapacitet ikke en begrænsende faktor, og den kan betjenes med mindre traktorer. Den specialudviklede foldesekvens sikrer en sikker og hurtig udfoldning, også under kuperede forhold. En sekvensstyring forhindrer skader. Med det store fokus på vedligeholdelsesfrie samlinger, hængsler og gearkasser er vedligeholdelsesniveauet i sæsonen reduceret til det laveste niveau i klassen.
- Helt vedligeholdelsesfri i sæsonen, undtagen PTO og bærer
- Stærk vedligeholdelsesfri drivlinje, robuste u-led på de indvendige rotorer og fleksibel HexaLink-fingerkobling på de udvendige rotorer
- Innovativt TerraFlow jordfølgningssystem mellem bærer og høvender
- Transportkøreværk til brug med traktorer med lav HK
- Smidig udfoldning, også under kuperede forhold
- Hydraulisk sammenklappeligt skårbræt til kantvending som ekstraudstyr
- TerraFlow is an innovative ground following system between carrier and tedder. The special geometry between transport wheels and tedder tines secure a clean pick up of crop, also in very challenging conditions.
- The tedder unit follows the chassis wheels and adapts completely independent of the movement of the carrier frame. This means tine distance to ground remains constant in all terrain, providing clean and accurate work and a uniform crop flow.
- These tedders fold into a transport width below 3m and is driven like a trailer on road smoothly following behind the tractor.
- To connect the machine 40 and 50 mm towing eyes are available as well as a K80 ball coupling. The machine can be connected in high or low position of drawbar.
- The ProLine gearbox is a strong and reliable construction, and is not fitted to the mainframe.
- Shock-protected: The enclosed system is not affected by chassis or tine arm vibrations.
- Constant lubrication: Enclosed and oil-immersed, the gearbox components enjoy extended longevity over systems that require manual lubrication.
- Reduced maintenance: There is no need for daily lubrication.
- Environmental protection: No lubrication means no leakage - hence higher-quality forage.
- No corrosion: No ingress of dust and water, not even during pressure washing.
- The Super-C tine can be locked in three positions to customize the pickup angle to different conditions. For heavy silages the angle can be set more aggressive and for fragile crop a gentler angle can be chosen.
- Made from flat steel, the tine arms form a very compact unit with the rotor plate and utilize the force of the rotor plate for higher durability of the time arm. This makes a Kverneland tine arm by far more resistant to any type of load.
- Super-C tine with symmetric spring tines ensures efficient pick-up and turning of the crop. Tines with same lengths has the added advantage that load is spread evenly on both tines, providing longer life time.
- Made from 10mm shot-peened spring steel and a coil diameter of 80mm, Super-C tines add up to the most durable and flexible tine in the market.
- High-quality forage allows the optimum spreading angle to be achieved according to crop conditions, helping you to produce high quality forage.
- Setting the rotors to the right spreading angle will considerably improve the spreading action, and speed up the drying process.
- The mower swaths are neatly lifted by the tines and evenly spread over the full width.
- Tines glide in a more uniform frequency over the stubble, so the risk of dirt being lifted by the tines is minimized.
Powered by a maintenance-free driveline and gearboxes, focus can be directed towards the essentials to maximise productivity. No time is wasted on time consuming greasing. Additionally the hinges are connected with strong maintenance-free roller bearings for extended longevity and stability of the connection points.
Teknisk specifikation
Teknisk specifikation
Download brochureModel ProLine | 85156 C | |
Arbejdsbredde (m/ft) | 15.60 / (51'2") | |
Antal rotorer | 14 | |
Antal tænder/rotor | 6 | |
Transportbredde (m/ft) | 2.98 / (9'9") | |
Transportlængde (m/ft) | 6.40 / (21') | |
Opbevaringshøjde (m/ft) | 2.89/3.20 / (9'6"/10'6")** | |
Kapacitet teoret. (ha/h) | 12.5 |
** Højde med hydraulisk skårbræt |
Teknisk specifikation
Teknisk specifikation
Download brochure
Working width |
Rotors/Tines |
Weight |
85156 C |
15.60m |
14/6 |
3410kg |
** Højde med hydraulisk skårbræt |