Monopill 9m PH
Med Kverneland Monopill kan du stole på en perfekt udførelse
Kverneland Monopill eller Monopill e-drive II er den mekaniske præcisionsboremaskine til roer, raps og cikorie.
Den mest præcise placering af frø Jævn dybdekontrol ved hjælp af parallelogram Halvbreddeafbrydelse og optoelektronisk styring De enkelte såenheder kan slukkes ISOBUS Intelligence med Monopill e-drive IIBeskrivelse
MONOPILL er designet til professionel præcisionssåning af roer, raps og cikorie. Afhængigt af jordtype og jordbundsforhold er der fire forskellige sårækker med tilhørende udstyr. Selv under de vanskeligste forhold garanterer parallelogrammonteringen af såenhederne en præcis dybdekontrol. Monopill sikrer perfekt frøplacering under konventionelle og mulchforhold.
Med e-drive II drives hver såenhed elektrisk individuelt via en elmotor. Såafstanden kan justeres trinløst undervejs og kan slukkes individuelt.
Den parallelle hydrauliske ramme Kverneland Monopill 9m med parallelle hydrauliske rammer har et tæt tyngdepunkt. Der er behov for lav løftekapacitet og lavt kraftbehov. Hurtigt skift fra arbejds- til transportposition på mindre end 3 m.
- Uendelig justering af såafstande fra 12,5 til 25 cm, hvilket optimerer frøbestandene til jordtypen inden for samme mark fra traktorkabinen.
- Multi-valg integrerede systemer til sporing og markering før fremspiring (ekstraudstyr).
- Mulighed for at øge plantebestanden i rækkerne ved siden af sporskifterne.
- Opto-elektronisk styring til frøtælling som standard.
- Individuelle såenheder kan slukkes. Ideelt f.eks. ved såning i hjørnet af uhensigtsmæssigt formede marker.
- Sikkerhed gennem konstant kontrol: elektronikken overvåger permanent alle driftsfunktioner for hver såenhed og viser konstant "realtidsdata" på terminalen i kabinen.
- ISOBUS Intelligence med Monopill e-drive II
- The rigid end-tow toolbars are available in working widths of 3m, 6m, 9m and 12m.
- The convenient and time saving parallel hydraulic folding is available in 6 m and 9 m toolbar versions.
- The transport width of all Monopill S & e-drive II models is a maximum of 3 metres.
- The optional pre-emergence markers assist first spraying operations before seed emergence.
The sowing units – like the whole machine – are modular in design
- The basic element always remains the same and the equipment can be varied according to individual requirements.
- For mulch seeding, the front Farmflex wheel is simply replaced with a double cutting disc equipped with side zero pressure tyres. The trailing coulter draws a clean seed furrow for precise seed placement.
- The MONOPILL can also be used for sowing rape and chicory, this allows for the extended use of the machine, earning an improved pay back of the machine cost.
- Precision-drilled rape is generally sown in row widths of 45cm. This row distance allows the use of mechanical seeding machines. Down the row spacing will vary depending on location and variety between 5 and 8 cm.
- The seed disc is rotating through the second patented seed chamber
- The disc picks only one seed at a time, additional seeds are wiped off
- Due to the centrifugal force, the seed remains in the seed cell throughout its rotation
- With the seeding heart positioned deep inside the seeding coulter, the seed drop height is only 3cm
- Electric drive with control directly from the tractor cab using ISOBUS technology.
- The seeding heart is driven directly by a variable speed electric gear motor. There are no mechanical drive parts.
- Infinite adjustment of sowing distances from 12.5 to 25cm, optimising seed populations to soil type with the same field from the tractor cab.
- Multi-choice integrated tramlining and pre-emergence marking systems (optional).
- Ability to increase plant populatioon in rows adjacent to the tramlines
- Individual sowing units can be switched off.
- Opto-electronic control for seed counting.
- Most models of the MONOPILL S & e-drive II can be equipped with micro-granule applicator. The hoppers, made from special grade plastics, have a capacity of 35 litres. The hoppers are mounted according to the working width with 2 or 3 outlets per unit.
- Metering wheels of different sizes and materials are available to suit the application requirements of most types of microgranule.
- The micro-granule applicator is mechanically driven via the land wheel drive of the MONOPILL S & e-drive II.
IsoMatch GEOCONTROL - Cost saving with immediate payback
Seeding with GPS and GEOCONTROL in combination with an electric driven precision drill is a major step towards precision and cost saving. These machines are all equipped with ISOBUS technology which with the help of the IsoMatch Tellus terminal, can be easily controlled.
Each electric driven seeding element, in combination with GPS and GEOCONTROL, is automatically switched on or off in exactly the right place, ensuring there is no overlap with any row that has already been seeded. This is especially handy in triangular fields, on curved or irregular shaped headlands.
GEOSEED - Precision at high end
GEOSEED is offered in two different levels:
GEOSEED Level 1 is the synchronization in the machines working width. This improves the distribution of seeds up to perfection in parallel or diamond pattern: Positive effects are the best use of nutrients, water and sun. Also the wind and water erosion is decreased.
GEOSEED Level 2 is the synchronization in the whole field. This is the necessary requirement for interrow cultivation, also across the seeding direction. GEOSEED is the only system in the world, that makes this mechanic weeds control possible!
Lavet til smart, effektivt og nemt landbrug
IsoMatch GEOCONTROL er et avanceret software-program inden for IsoMatch Tellus og IsoMatch Tellus GO+, der hjælper dig med at styre alle ISOBUS kompatible Kverneland Group maskiner såsom sprøjter, spredere og såmaskiner! Kombineret med en GPS-modtager opfylder den fremtidens behov med hensyn til nemt, smart og effektivt landbrug!
Når der besluttes, hvilket udstyr der skal købes, er det ikke altid let at finde den optimale løsning på det brede marked, som der tilbydes i dag. Teknologien udvikler sig hurtigt, da vores traktorer og redskaber er mere og mere udstyret med højteknologisk elektronik. Vi forstår denne kompleksitet og er forpligtet til at give dig nemme landbrugsløsninger. derfor er disse omkostningseffektive ISOBUS Universal Terminals, IsoMatch Tellus PRO og IsoMatch Tellus GO+ lavet til dem der ønsker en nem og effektiv maskinstyring.

Med sine avancerede hardware og softwarefunktioner leverer IsoMatch Tellus PRO den optimale præcisionslandbrugsløsning til et alt-i-et kontrolsystem i dit traktorførerhus.
IsoMatch Tellus PRO er centrum for tilslutning af alle ISOBUS maskiner og en platform til kørsel af præcisionslandbrugsapplikationer. Det giver alt, hvad en landmand har brug for, for at få mest muligt ud af sine maskiner og afgrøder, samt med omkostningsbesparelser i gødning, kemikalier og frø ved automatisk sektionskontrol og variabel satskontrol. Med den unikke dobbeltskærms funktion giver det mulighed for at se og styre to maskiner og processer samtidigt.
Arbejd nemt, vær i kontrol.
IsoMatch Tellus GO+ er specielt udviklet til at styre maskinen på en enkel måde. Landmanden har fuld kontrol over maskinen på præcis den måde, han ønsker. Maskinen kan nemt sættes op med de bløde taster via 7" touch skærm og optimal kontrol under kørslen skal du bruge de hårde taster og drejekontakten. det har aldrig været så nemt at styre redskabet.
Det kan være dit første skridt ind i præcisionslandbrug, aldrig har det været så let.
IsoMatch Tellus GO+ gør det nemt at styre enhver ISOBUS maskine fra dit førerhus. IsoMatch GEOCONTROL giver dig mulighed for at opnå hørere udbytte, lavere omkostninger og gøre dit arbejde meget lettere. Denne licensnøgle er opdelt i to dele, sektionskontrol og variabel ratekontrol, som er tilgængelig fra IsoMatch Shop. Nu kan du købe den specifikke funktionalitet, du har brug for.
With manual guidance you are perfectly on track.
The IsoMatch InLine is a light bar which allows easy manual guidance. It is the perfect assistant to get you as close as possible to your desired A-B line. Mounted in the line of sight, you can easily see the distance from the A-B line and to which direction you should steer for the ideal position. The display of the IsoMatch InLine also displays the status of the machine sections, which adds more comfort of use. The LEDs can be dimmed for night operation.
Distance to A-B line with LED indication and a numeric display
Manual guidance in combination with IsoMatch GEOCONTROL
Displays status of machine sections
The essential accessory for IsoMatch GEOCONTROL.
The IsoMatch Global 2 is the GPS antenna, with DGPS accuracy, in the IsoMatch product range. It enables satellite navigation for site-specific section control, variable rate application, manual guidance and field registration.
Allows manual guidance, automatic section control and variable rate in combination with IsoMatch GEOCONTROL
DGPS accuracy without additional subscription fees
Easy to fit with mounting brackets included

The IsoMatch Eye is the camera option in the IsoMatch product range.
IsoMatch Eye is a camera that has been developed for use with our sophisticated IsoMatch Tellus and IsoMatch Tellus GO dual screen terminal. The IsoMatch Eye is switchable from rear view to standard view.
It gives you full control and overview of entire machine operation during day and night, because of its night vision by integrated LED’s. This increases the safety e.g. when reversing the machine or manoeuvring around obstructions.
Changeable from rear view to standard view
Full control and overview of entire machine operation
Night vision by integrated LED’s
IsoMatch MultiEye is an accessory for connecting multiple cameras to the IsoMatch Universal Terminal.
With the IsoMatch MultiEye you can connect multiple cameras to the IsoMatch Tellus or IsoMatch Tellus GO+ Terminal. You can easily switch between the cameras without the need for an additional screen in you tractor cabin. It gives you full control and overview of the entire machine operation during day and night, because of its night vision by integrated LED’s. This increases the safety when reversing the machine or manoeuvring around obstructions.
You can connect up to four IsoMatch Eye cameras and easily switch between the cameras with the remote control box which is standard included.
Full control and overview of entire machine operation from every side you want.
Night vision by integrated LED’s which increases the safety when reversing the machine or manoeuvring around obstructions.

The IsoMatch Grip is an ISOBUS auxiliary device developed for great operator comfort and efficient machine control. Its ergonomic shape and the complete freedom of assigning and controlling a total of 44 implement functions from one device are unique in the market today. From your fingertips you have endless possibilities to operate all machine functions as desired. And assignments are saved per machine making it even more applicable to your needs.

GEOSEED increases the yields of row crops and ensures maximum efficiency. Seeds are placed perfectly in line and in relation to each other.
GEOSEED is offered in two different levels:
GEOSEED Level 1 is the synchronization in the machines working width. This improves the distribution of seeds up to perfection in parallel or diamond pattern: Positive effects are the best use of nutrients, water and sun. Also the wind and water erosion is decreased.
GEOSEED Level 2 is the synchronization in the whole field. This is the necessary requirement for interrow cultivation, also across the seeding direction. GEOSEED is the only system in the world, that makes this mechanic weeds control possible!
Teknisk specifikation
Teknisk specifikation
Download brochureModel | Monopill | |
Frame | parallel hydraulic folding | |
Working width (m) | 9.0 | |
No. of rows | 18 | |
Row width (cm) | 45/50 | |
Transport width (m) | 3.0 | |
Weight of basic version (kg) | 2,180 | |
Mechanic drive with 7 gear lever gearbox | - | |
e-drive II, ready for GEOSEED® | Standard | |
IsoMatch Tellus PRO | Option | |
IsoMatch Tellus GO+ | Option | |
Visus | - | |
Radar (only with e-drive II) | Standard | |
Linkage | CAT. III/ CAT. III N | |
Tyres 5.00x15 (no.) | Standard (6) | |
Hydraulically operated track marker arms | Standard | |
Manually operated track marker arms | - | |
Pre-emergence markers | Option | |
Road light kit | Option | |
Track eradicator (2x2 tines) | - | |
Frame ballasting kit | - | |
Lengthwise transport device | - | |
Electric driven microgranule applicator micro-dril | Option | |
Microgranule hopper volume (l) | 35 | |
No. of microgranule hoppers | 6 |
Teknisk specifikation
Teknisk specifikation
Download brochureWorking width |
Row width |
Weight |
Monopill 6 row rigid |
3.0m |
45/50 |
400 |
Monopill 12 row rigid |
6.0m |
45/50 |
910 |
Monopill 18 row rigid |
9.0m |
45/50 |
1750 |
Monopill 24 row rigid |
12.0m |
45/50 |
2800 |
Monopill 12 row PH |
6.0m |
45/50 |
1250 |
Monopill 18 row PH |
9.0m |
45/50 |
2180 |