Kverneland iXter B
Teknologiens kraft!
Kvernelands iXter B-liftophængt sprøjte er resultatet af mange års forskning og udvikling i tæt samarbejde med landmænd. iXter B-sprøjten er designet med fokus på brugervenlighed, intelligent elektronik og miljøbeskyttelse.
EasyHitch - Genialt låsesystem iXspray for en brugervenlig betjening iXclean Pro fuldautomatisk ventilstyringssystem iXflow-E højtryksrecirkulationssystem Boom Guide: automatisk styringssystem for bomhøjdeBeskrivelse
Den intelligente elektronik garanterer en brugervenlig betjening af iXter B i kombination med innovative funktioner, som iXclean, iXflow-E og Boom Guide. Med EasySet-kontrolpanelet er det nemt, rent og sikkert at fylde sprøjten. Kompakt design med et tyngdepunkt tæt på traktoren reducerer behovet for løftekapacitet og forbedrer den generelle stabilitet og kørekomfort. EasyHitch-hurtigkoplingen er et genialt låsesystem, som sikrer, at sprøjten kobles tættest på traktoren. ENFO-funktionerne er inkluderet til automatisk priming og skylning. Yderligere brugervenlighed kan opnås med iXclean Comfort halvautomatisk eller iXclean Pro fuldautomatisk, elektrisk ventilstyringssystem. iXter B fås med en nominel tankkapacitet på op til 1800 l i kombination med to forskellige bomtyper: HOSA-sprøjtebommen i aluminium (15 m) og HC-stålbommen (18-30 m).
- EasySet-betjeningspanelet øger produktiviteten med sin intuitive betjening: nem, ren og sikker påfyldning af sprøjten.
- Kompakt design med et tyngdepunkt tæt på traktoren for en optimal vægtbalance.
- Hurtigkoblingssystemet EasyHitch med et genialt låsesystem gør livet enkelt.
- iXspray betyder en intuitiv brugerflade og brugervenlig betjening, der sikrer, at sprøjtningen udføres på den nemmeste og mest effektive måde.
- Fås valgfrit med iXclean Comfort til halvautomatisk styring eller iXclean Pro fuldautomatisk ventilstyringssystem.
- Muligt i kombination med iXflow-E - højtryksrecirkulationssystem med individuel elektrisk dysestyring for at øge afgrødekvaliteten og spare omkostninger.
- Muligt med Boom Guide-sensorteknologi: perfekt styring under mange udfordrende markforhold.
Your Sprayer, Always Connected with Kverneland Sync
Kverneland Sync ensures your ISOBUS sprayer remains fully connected, facilitating continuous data transfer to IsoMatch FarmCentre and Kverneland ServiceCentre. Sync enables real-time monitoring, efficient task management, and remote diagnostics, allowing technicians to swiftly analyze and resolve electronic issues, minimizing downtime and maintaining application consistency.
Optimised Taks Management and Field Documentation
With Kverneland Sync, users have seamless access to key spraying data through IsoMatch FarmCentre, which supports comprehensive task documentation, application tracking, and detailed performance metrics. This connectivity aids in planning, reporting, and accurate record-keeping, allowing users to view spray rates, patterns, and field coverage for enhanced field management.
Enhanced Security and Connectivity
Kverneland Sync also provides geofencing features with real-time location tracking. The Sync accumulator ensures continued traceability, even when the sprayer is disconnected from the tractor. Kverneland Sync and IsoMatch FarmCentre create an integrated solution that optimises efficiency and ensures traceability. By collecting data from the sprayer we are able to analyse the best spraying conditions and empowers precision and efficiency of the next spraying operation.
HC 18-20-21m Vertical Folding Steel Boom
The new generation HC booms is a multi-talented spray boom range. The triangular steel construction allows high speed even in very difficult conditions. The boom is extremely strong and reliable. Using Domex steel for the boom it became stronger, but lighter to contribute to the lower weight of the machine.
HOSA 12 and 15m "Z" folding Aluminium Boom
The HOSA is an unique boom having an advanced Z-folding principle: the lateral movement enables you to quickly reduce boom width and pass obstacles in the field. The aluminium profile is designed for maximum resistance. No welding provides remarkable strength, the anodised hardened surface protects against scratches and corrosion.
Fully Integrated Design
The iXtra offers you a completely integrated concept. The two clean water tanks with level indicators are part of the design, as well as the quick hitch system and control panel.
Easy Set Control Panel
The valve panel on the front tank is used for draining, agitation and cleaning. An electric pump guarantees mixing and cleaning, independently from the rear sprayer. You can select the front tank from the cab or throught the Easy Set valve panel on the iXter B sprayer.
Easy to Fit, Simple to Unhitch
Without a front PTO shaft or hydraulic hoses, hitching the iXtra is extremely simple: it uses only two hoses with KAMlock connections and an electrical cable - it really is that simple!
Easy Operation
The iXtra front tank uses the functions of the iXter B sprayer when filling and spraying. This avoids the need - or additional cost - for a separate induction hopper or spray pump for the front tank. All the necessary controls are conveniently located on the sprayer and are operated from the Easy Set valve panel on the iXter B.
- ENviromental FOcus (ENFO)
ENFO priming and rinsing is standard on all our spray computers. This smart technology optimizes filling and cleaning of the spray lines. Accurate application, no waste of chemicals and saving water are the benefits for you and your environment.
- Rotating level indicator
A rotating level indicator provides the actual tank volume.
ISOBUS intelligence (FMA regulater only)
You are ensured of the ISOBUS compatibiliy from tractor to the sprayer and sprayer to tractor, meaning that all data collection from your machine(s) is centralised and can be easily transferred to your Terminal (e.g. IsoMatch Tellus) in your tractor cabin. Easy plug and play!
Boom Guide Comfort
Two ultrasonics sensors on the boom can control the spray height via the central slope correction and boom lift functions. This cost effective system is suited to gentle slopes and uneven crop conditions.
Boom Guide Pro
This advanced system used three ultrasonic sensors to control left- and right-hand boom sections independently for the ultimate guidance in the most challenging field conditions. It can deliver positive and negative lateral movement on each side of the boom to follow the contours in every condition!
Starguide IV: Automatic GPS section control and guidance by D-GPS
Those who have used it will never go back. Starguide IV will change your spraying days forever: spray around the headland and the Starguide IV will control the spray sections automatically as you can cover the remainder of the field.
Dual Tank Strategy
The innovative iXtra concept offers much more than just extra tank volume. In combination with the iXter B mounted sprayer, the iXtra front tank provides a total volume of around 3000 litres, making the iXter-iXtra combination a serious alternative to a self propelled sprayer. With tractors able to carry much higher loads on their rear linkages, the need for ballast weight on the front of the tractor is essential. With a nominal volume of more than 1100 litres, the iXtra is that front end weight, adding stability to your tractor, but only when needed!
- One-tank approach: filled with spray liquid it boosts overall tank capacity by 60%.
- Two-tank approach: filled with two different tank mixes, the front and rear tanks can be used as two independent spray tanks.
- Reservoir approach: filled with clean water the iXtra front tank can be used as a reservoir for later use, for example in another field or crop.
Easy to Fit, Simple to Unhitch
The iXtra front tank used the functions of the iXter B sprayer when filling and spraying. This avoids the need for a separate induction hopper or spray pump for the front tank. Without a front PTO shaft or hydraulic hoses, hitching and unhitching the iXtra is extremely simple: it uses only two hoses with KAMlock connections and an electric cable - it really is that simple!
Remote Control EC: All in One Remote Control
- Spraying on/off functions including up to 7 sections
- Agitation shut off
- Pressure control
- Pre select hydraulic boom functions
FlowMate Control FMC: Basic Spray Computer
- Extremely simple to operate
- Very compact by integration of all spraying and hydraulic functions
- Integrated nozzle advice
- Field memory for 25 different fields
Lavet til smart, effektivt og nemt landbrug
IsoMatch GEOCONTROL er et avanceret software-program inden for IsoMatch Tellus og IsoMatch Tellus GO+, der hjælper dig med at styre alle ISOBUS kompatible Kverneland Group maskiner såsom sprøjter, spredere og såmaskiner! Kombineret med en GPS-modtager opfylder den fremtidens behov med hensyn til nemt, smart og effektivt landbrug!
Når der besluttes, hvilket udstyr der skal købes, er det ikke altid let at finde den optimale løsning på det brede marked, som der tilbydes i dag. Teknologien udvikler sig hurtigt, da vores traktorer og redskaber er mere og mere udstyret med højteknologisk elektronik. Vi forstår denne kompleksitet og er forpligtet til at give dig nemme landbrugsløsninger. derfor er disse omkostningseffektive ISOBUS Universal Terminals, IsoMatch Tellus PRO og IsoMatch Tellus GO+ lavet til dem der ønsker en nem og effektiv maskinstyring.

Med sine avancerede hardware og softwarefunktioner leverer IsoMatch Tellus PRO den optimale præcisionslandbrugsløsning til et alt-i-et kontrolsystem i dit traktorførerhus.
IsoMatch Tellus PRO er centrum for tilslutning af alle ISOBUS maskiner og en platform til kørsel af præcisionslandbrugsapplikationer. Det giver alt, hvad en landmand har brug for, for at få mest muligt ud af sine maskiner og afgrøder, samt med omkostningsbesparelser i gødning, kemikalier og frø ved automatisk sektionskontrol og variabel satskontrol. Med den unikke dobbeltskærms funktion giver det mulighed for at se og styre to maskiner og processer samtidigt.
Arbejd nemt, vær i kontrol.
IsoMatch Tellus GO+ er specielt udviklet til at styre maskinen på en enkel måde. Landmanden har fuld kontrol over maskinen på præcis den måde, han ønsker. Maskinen kan nemt sættes op med de bløde taster via 7" touch skærm og optimal kontrol under kørslen skal du bruge de hårde taster og drejekontakten. det har aldrig været så nemt at styre redskabet.
Det kan være dit første skridt ind i præcisionslandbrug, aldrig har det været så let.
IsoMatch Tellus GO+ gør det nemt at styre enhver ISOBUS maskine fra dit førerhus. IsoMatch GEOCONTROL giver dig mulighed for at opnå hørere udbytte, lavere omkostninger og gøre dit arbejde meget lettere. Denne licensnøgle er opdelt i to dele, sektionskontrol og variabel ratekontrol, som er tilgængelig fra IsoMatch Shop. Nu kan du købe den specifikke funktionalitet, du har brug for.
With manual guidance you are perfectly on track.
The IsoMatch InLine is a light bar which allows easy manual guidance. It is the perfect assistant to get you as close as possible to your desired A-B line. Mounted in the line of sight, you can easily see the distance from the A-B line and to which direction you should steer for the ideal position. The display of the IsoMatch InLine also displays the status of the machine sections, which adds more comfort of use. The LEDs can be dimmed for night operation.
Distance to A-B line with LED indication and a numeric display
Manual guidance in combination with IsoMatch GEOCONTROL
Displays status of machine sections
The essential accessory for IsoMatch GEOCONTROL.
The IsoMatch Global 2 is the GPS antenna, with DGPS accuracy, in the IsoMatch product range. It enables satellite navigation for site-specific section control, variable rate application, manual guidance and field registration.
Allows manual guidance, automatic section control and variable rate in combination with IsoMatch GEOCONTROL
DGPS accuracy without additional subscription fees
Easy to fit with mounting brackets included
Connect to a local wireless network on your IsoMatch Tellus.
IsoMatch Wireless (USB-stick) is complementary to the IsoMatch Tellus and makes it easy to connect to a local wireless network, such as your phone’s hot-spot, home network etc.
No additional costs of an internet service provider. When connected via the IsoMatch Wireless you can browse the internet, view the weather, Gmail, Google, etc.

The IsoMatch Eye is the camera option in the IsoMatch product range.
IsoMatch Eye is a camera that has been developed for use with our sophisticated IsoMatch Tellus and IsoMatch Tellus GO dual screen terminal. The IsoMatch Eye is switchable from rear view to standard view.
It gives you full control and overview of entire machine operation during day and night, because of its night vision by integrated LED’s. This increases the safety e.g. when reversing the machine or manoeuvring around obstructions.
Changeable from rear view to standard view
Full control and overview of entire machine operation
Night vision by integrated LED’s
IsoMatch MultiEye is an accessory for connecting multiple cameras to the IsoMatch Universal Terminal.
With the IsoMatch MultiEye you can connect multiple cameras to the IsoMatch Tellus or IsoMatch Tellus GO+ Terminal. You can easily switch between the cameras without the need for an additional screen in you tractor cabin. It gives you full control and overview of the entire machine operation during day and night, because of its night vision by integrated LED’s. This increases the safety when reversing the machine or manoeuvring around obstructions.
You can connect up to four IsoMatch Eye cameras and easily switch between the cameras with the remote control box which is standard included.
Full control and overview of entire machine operation from every side you want.
Night vision by integrated LED’s which increases the safety when reversing the machine or manoeuvring around obstructions.

The IsoMatch Grip is an ISOBUS auxiliary device developed for great operator comfort and efficient machine control. Its ergonomic shape and the complete freedom of assigning and controlling a total of 44 implement functions from one device are unique in the market today. From your fingertips you have endless possibilities to operate all machine functions as desired. And assignments are saved per machine making it even more applicable to your needs.
Teknisk specifikation
Teknisk specifikation
Download brochureiXter B | iXter B | iXter B | iXter B | ||
Nominel tankvolumen (l) | 1000 | 1300 | 1600 | 1800 | |
Maksimal tankvolumen (l) | 1100 | 1450 | 1800 | 2000 | |
Kemisk induktor (l) | 30 | 30 | 30 | 30 | |
Tank til rent vand (l) | 180 | 180 | 180 | 180 | |
Håndvasktank (l) | 18 | 18 | 18 | 18 | |
Sprøjtebom (m) | HOSA 15/HC 18-30 | HOSA 15/HC 18-30 | HOSA 15/HC 18-30 | HOSA 15/HC 18-30 | |
Pumper (l/min) | 150/200/260 | 150/200/260 | 150/200/260 | 150/200/260 | |
iXclean | iXclean Comfort/iXclean Pro | iXclean Comfort/iXclean Pro | iXclean Comfort/iXclean Pro | iXclean Comfort/iXclean Pro | |
Betjeningselementer til ISOBUS-elektronik | IsoMatch Tellus PRO/GO+ eller enhver anden ISOBUS-terminal | IsoMatch Tellus PRO/GO+ eller ISOBUS-terminal | IsoMatch Tellus PRO/GO+ eller enhver anden ISOBUS-terminal | IsoMatch Tellus PRO/GO+ eller en hvilken som helst anden ISOBUS-terminal |