Vendere -Tjekliste! -Er du klar til sæsonstart?

Nyttige tips og tricks til at få din vendere klar, så du får mest muligt ud af din sæson.

Only Original Parts will keep your machine a Kverneland

Kverneland-vendere er kendt for lav vedligeholdelse.  Men alligevel så vær forberedt på den kommende sæson -Ved at give din Kverneland-vendere et sundhedstjek, så den sikre en toppræstation.

Check the condition and functionality of all Road lights. Repair/replace if necessary.

Check all steering and pivots points. Greasing if necessary.

Check the condition and pressures of all tyres. Replace or adjust if necessary.

Check all hydraulic hoses and connections. Replace if necessary.

Make sure all PTO drive lines and joints are clean and lubricated.

Ensure all safety guarding is fitted and functions correctly.

Check all Tines, safety fixings and Tine arms for wear or damage. Ensure all fixings are tight. Replace if necessary

Adjust the working angle to get the best results

3-step Tine angle adjustment

By inserting a triangular washer between the tine and the tine arm – the Super-C tine can be locked in three alternative positions for optimum  performance in different crop conditions.

Passive angle of -4°. Insert the washer with slope against the direction of rotation.

Standard angle of 0 degrees. No washer required as per standard factory specification.

Aggressive angle of +4°. Insert the washer with slope in direction of rotation.


Super-C Tines

The Super-C Tine is made from 10mm Shot-blasted Coil spring steel and has two equal length legs to evenly spread the load. Being 20% greater in diameter than conventional designs – results in one of the most durable and flexible tines on the market.

  VF16644530.88 VF16644530.88 A13193588 VF16607564.88
Tedders - Compact Line        
8445 / 8452(T)
84600 / 8480
Tedders - Pro Line        
8090CD       x
8076CD / 84140C
8555 / 8576
8583 T / 85111 T
8590 / 85122 C
8568 / 8590

Tine safety

Damage to both livestock and machinery can be avoided by fitting Tine Safety clips to all tines. Mounted below the coil securing both tine legs - the safety device holds both halves of the tine together to prevent it from being lost in the crop.

  VF06580459 VF06565406
Tedders - Compact Line x  
Tedders - Pro Line   x

Tine fixing

Using the appropriate Fixing Kits, securely tightened at all times, will ensure the tines give maximum performance and keeps losses and downtime to a minimum. (*Can be used with triangular washers)

  A131835630 A131835230 VF06565744
Tedders - Compact Line      
8445 / 8452(T)
8460 / 8480
Tedders - Pro Line      
8090CD     x
8076CD / 84140C
8555 / 8576
8583 T / 85111 T 8590
 85122 C / 8568
8590 / 85112

Be prepared – save valuable time when it counts

Intet er mere frustrerende end at gå i stå midt i marken. – at man mister tid og produktivitet.

Hvis du har et servicekit ved hånden, så er du i gang igen på ingen tid. Servicesættet indeholder tilstrækkelige sliddele såsom: tænder, tandholdere, dæk og monteringssæt mm., som får din maskine til at fungere igen, ved tilfælde af et nedbrud. Bed din forhandler om at bestille et servicesæt til din vendemaskine, og giv dig selv ro i sindet, når du er i marken.



VF06564096 Cpl. Wheel 16x6x8 TT 10PR Silver rim 1
VF16642644 Cpl. Wheel 18.5x8.5-8 TT 6PR Silver rim 1
A131159794 Tine arm 2
A131393588 Spring tine, 10 mm  10
A131835430 Tine fixing set (ProLine) Bent 10
A100020200 Agraset 106 (3 x 8 pcs.) 1

Original Parts when you need them!


Time is money, and we know the importance of receiving the right parts at the right time! Your Kverneland dealer is supported by a massive distribution network to supply you with exactly what you need, when you need it.

Our main distribution centre Metz warehouse is located in Thionville, France. A strategic location for distributing parts to all corners of the world. With over 70.000 parts in stock and 24/7 service, we are ready to supply you with parts – at any time!   

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