Kverneland Technology

Find by yourself :

1. Kverneland in a few words

  • KVERNELAND is world renowned

Kverneland is world renowned and unequalled in producing ploughs with outstanding performance and longevity and hence, low operating costs.

  • HIGHEST strength to weight ratio on the market

Kverneland steels combined to a unique heat treatment technology, actually applied to the complete plough, result in an unsurpassed strength to weight ratio.

Problems always happen when the plough is being used, _when the work must be done_. Kverneland ploughs offer a peace of mind !

    The Kverneland Technology is closely associated to the development of

  • High strengths steel optimized for the different plough parts.
  • Special forging and heat treatment processes to make the best parts available.
  • A continuous development of plough construction and specialised steel

3. Kverneland’s key factor of success

Picture A

“Kverneland steel Technology” is unique.

Picture B

Picture C

4. Ploughs that competitors cannot produce!

For the equivalent robustness to Kverneland ploughs, competitors would add more steel and therefore more weight. The consequences are inevitably more weight, quicker wear and disappointing ploughing results.

Kverneland Technology guarantees the best strength to weight ratio on the market.

Kverneland Group

 Kverneland Group Klepp, Norway, production site: 72 000 m2

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