Kverneland f-drill maxi duo with power harrow and CX-II coulter bar - convincing performance in Sweden

"I like the good manoeuvrability and weight distribution with this combination. The overview is perfect. In one pass, I prepare a weatherproof seedbed and sow directly. Many farmers have stopped in the field and are interested," says Henrik Ohldin.

Kverneland f-drill maxi duo with power harrow and CX-II coulter bar - convincing performance in Sweden

The new Kverneland front hopper generation in combination with the folding 6m power harrow NG-H F30 excels in perfect seedbed preparation and sowing all in one pass in Sweden. 

Two to four passes with a cultivator or harrow are usually required to prepare a perfect seedbed in Sweden.

Henrik Ohldin, who works with GJ Maskin AB in Sweden demonstrates the combination consisting of Kverneland front tank f-drill maxi duo in combination with the folding 6 m power harrow NG-H F30 including a CX-II coulter bar on various farms. "The soils in our region east of Lake Vättern are of medium to heavy texture. With this combination, I can work the soil in one pass."

Traditionally, tine cultivators or harrows prepare the seedbed in Sweden in several passes, but with rising energy and fuel prices, a single-pass system could be a real alternative.

"I like the good manoeuvrability and weight distribution with this combination. The overview is perfect. In one pass, I prepare a weatherproof seedbed and sow directly. Many farmers have stopped in the field and are interested," says Henrik Ohldin.

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