Whatever Your Mowing Needs - We’ve Got You Covered

Kverneland features a complete range of plain mowers with working widths ranging from 1.66-9.50m. So whatever you need to optimise your harvesting system, we have got a machine custom-built for that.

Whatever Your Mowing Needs  - We’ve Got You Covered

Kverneland 5000 M Series – Maximising Efficiency, Growing Profitability

Butterfly solutions in 8.7-9.5m working widths, run with tractors from 140hp. With integrated parking device for compact vertical storage and available with on-the- go hydraulic ground pressure setting.


Kverneland 2800 M Series – Simple Design, Quality Output

Centre pivot suspended 2.8-4.0m machines with excellent flotation for limited skid wear and maximum protection of stubble. Available with hydraulic on-the-go adjustment of ground pressure.


Kverneland 2800 F/FS Series - When Looking for Sophisticated Performance

Front mounted 2.8-3.2m mowers characterised by outstanding ground following ability, easy operation and low weight. Designed for a 640mm vertical and 17˚ horisontal adaptation range.  FS model features unique actively driven swath former.


Kverneland 2600 M Series – Flexible Suspension, Easy Operation

2.4-3.2m mowers designed with a very flexible suspension for outstanding ground following. The linkage enables mowing on steep angles or in hilly conditions.


Kverneland 2500 MH Series – Quality mowing, Hydraulic Suspension

Centre mounted plain disc mowers with hydraulic centre suspension supporting fast adaptation and equal ground pressure across the entire 3.2-4.0m working width.


25. June 2020

Den danske landmand Henning Rasmussen fortæller om hans kultivator, såmaskine, gødningsspreder og hel ny marksprøjte- alt fra Kverneland.

Henning og hans Kverneland-maskiner

Der står Kverneland på en pæn del af maskinerne hos den sydfynske landmand Henning Rasmussen. Her fortæller han om sin dybdeharve, sin såmaskine, gødnin...

Få et tilbud på de forskellige DEMOmaskiner! Kontakt os, når det passer dig.