Experience and features of the Kverneland IXTrack T6

”I can spray all my potatoes at the right time”

Experience and features of the Kverneland IXTrack T6

“I am working now with the iXtrack T6. This is a nice machine from Kverneland with a big capacity, boom width of 40 metres and a tank capacity of 7.600 litres. I like this very much, because in a short period I can spray all my potatoes at the right time and that’s very important for me.”

“The sprayer is also equipped with an automatic flatland balancing system, axle steering and folding in and folding out is working nice and quickly. I am satisfied because the balancing and steering system are working perfectly.”

“The sprayer is equipped with the IsoMatch Tellus PRO which can also be combined with other implements, like my fertiliser spreader and maybe with an i-Plough in the future. The combination of the IsoMatch Tellus PRO and the IsoMatch Grip is perfect to control the sprayer with functionalities like balancing, axle steering, boom lifting and lowering and occasionally manual section control.”

“I am using quite some powders and the suction via the chemical inductor is working very well. After filling the inductor is also rinsed very good. The sprayer also has an additional agitation pump which you can turn on during filling already, so the chemicals are mixed very well in the tank.”

“The sprayer is also equipped with GEOCONTROL. This is the GPS section control, which you can easily adjust to how much overlap you would like to have. To spray against diseases you need 100% overlap and you can set it easily at 100% overlap. This means as the last spray nozzle comes in the overlap the section is switched off. If you have a more complicated spraying job like weed, and you would like to have less overlap, you can easily adjust it to 50% overlap for example. This means that it is switching off a bit earlier. You can even put it on 0%, so if you come in the overlap it is switching off sections immediately.”

“There is also a functionality available which is called ErgoDrive. This means that if you are at the end of a tramline the spray boom is lifting automatically and stops spraying when the GPS is giving a sign that you are in the overlap and afterwards the axle steering is switched on. You are turning into the next tramline and you push the button again and the boom is automatically adjusted to the same height as you had before and the spraying is turned on again. The axle steering is automatically adjusted to the central position again.”

“We are also working with the iXclean Pro automatic filling and cleaning system. With one push on the button it is switching to clean water and with 400 litres of water it is cleaning the entire sprayer for 99%. So that is great of course.”

“I am working with this sprayer for a couple of months and I am very satisfied at the moment. I have sprayed about 400 hectares now. The steering and balancing system is working perfectly, the amount of litres you entered and you would like to spray are matching perfectly, as well as the applied surface. Everything is fitting perfectly which is of course very important.”

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